Selling your products on the Turkish market

Let’s assume that you are the owner of a business in another country and you want to expand your market to Turkey.The Turkish domestic market is a very interesting selling area. Turkey has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with a growing, young population that, in recent years, has witnessed a steady increase of its disposable annual income. Nearly every sector of Turkey’s economy shows booming figures. More and more foreign investors discover the opportunities that Turkey offers, and their investments only help to give the economy a further boost. Domestic investments are also shooting up. Consumer spending as well as business investments make the Turkish home market an attractive selling location for many enterprises. We have access to the Turkish market leaders in consuming goods, such as: MIGROS, KOCTAS and TEKZEN.

[If you, foreign entrepreneur, want to expand your selling area to the Turkish market, you will have to take a number of inevitable steps. Many foreign entrepreneurs get stuck in their attempts to enter the Turkish market because they are insufficiently familiar with Turkish legislation and (business)culture, not to mention the language barrier.]

BST provides a comprehensive package of services, all aiming at helping and guiding you in taking the steps required and paving the way to let you enter the Turkish market in the smoothest way possible. If you decide to go for the full package of our services, you are eligible for our advantageous combination rates. However, it is also possible to make a selection of our services in case you have already made other arrangements for one or more of the services that are included in the package.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities to sell your products on theTurkish market?

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