Turkey-Finland Business Forum

The Europe and Foreign Trade Minister of Finland, Lanita ToivakEMC_8293ka accompanied by the trade delegation visited Turkey and organized a Turkey-Finland business forum on Wednesday the 4th of February at the Sheraton Hotel in Ankara in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Foreign Economic Relations Board, the Embassy of Finland, the Finnish Trade Office (Finpro) and DEIK. Besides the Finnish Minister Toivakka, the Business Forum was joined by the honored guest the Turkish Minister of Economy, Nihat Zeybekci.

semiha unal 1The Business Forum was visited by companies doing business particularly in, advanced technology, higher education, R & D and clean energy sector which Finland is a leading country in. Other fields were; environment, forest industry, infrastructure, logistics, information technology, innovation, operating in the mines and fields metallurgy technologies.

Besides Finnish companies in Turkey, Finnish companies that want to make an entry in Turkey also joined the Business


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