BST can help you get the accurate, topical information you need but which is hard to come by and not available to you from public sources, because:
- BST is not impeded by a language barrier
- BST has a large network of relevant contacts, which is indispensable in a country where most business contacts are established indirectly and informally
- BST is in direct contact with experts in the sector in question and with public bodies that can supply the specific information and figures
- BST can make use of Turkish sources such as the internet and trade journals
- BST can establish direct contact with potential clients
- BST can establish direct contact with competitors
- BST is established in Istanbul, which facilitates access to local information sources
- BST is a regular participant in trade fairs, conferences, seminars and trade delegations and is therefore always well-informed of the latest developments in multiple sectors
- BST has extensive, specific knowledge of the latest economic stimulation measures, subsidy schemes and trade legislation – which are subject to frequent change in Turkey
- BST has ample experience in MBA-level management and business development and is therefore in a position to think along with you on a relevant strategic level