After establishing, always in close consultation with the entrepreneur, what the targets precisely are, the following points must be mapped out:
- The volume of the sales market, expressed in the number of potential buyers and the potential volume of product sold. These figures also give an insight in how the total demand and sales are composed (initial, replacement, additional demand).
- The selling prices of the products on the sales market.
- Volume, quality and geographic position of the supply market (raw materials, semi-manufactured products).
- The volume of complementary goods.
- Analysis of (potential) competition with regard to location, volume and capacity.
- Advice on the potential business location(s). How does the location relate to the market with a view to transport, supply and labour?
- Inventory of the required permitsand licences andany costs (legal dues) involved.
- Analysis of available market space.
- Opportunities and possible obstacles or threats in the sector.
- Inventory of any customs duties and tax levies for the particular sector, branch or product.
- Inventory of any existing regulations, permits or licences serving to protect domestic manufacturers, or any quota regulations for the specific product.
- Inventory of any economic stimulation measures and subsidies for the sector and the potential geographic business location.