A panel was organized with the occasion of “International Women Entrepreneurs Day” at the Westminster Parliament House of Lords in the United Kingdom.
The event, organized for KAGIDER’s (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey) “Global Entrepreneurship week” had it’s start in London UK at the 20-21st of October 2014.
The KAGIDER panel, held at the Westminster Parliament House of Lords in the United Kingdom, was organized in cooperation with Britain’s leading female civil society organization “Pink Shoes” and was hosted by Lord Ahmed (Vice President of Entrepreneurship group) on the 20th of October 2014. On this occasion the importance of women’s entrepreneurship on the economics was discussed.
After the opening speech performed by Lord Ahmet and the short briefing about KAGIDER by Gulden Turktan (KAGIDER President), Gulden Turktan highlighted the importance of presence in the United Kingdom during the “International Women Entrepreneurs Day”. Furthermore, she continued that the aim is to improve cooperation with the business community in the United Kingdom. Lord Taylor, member of the House of Lords, also held a brief speech during this day.
Among the speakers at the panel presented by Jill Pay, the first female officer of Parliament, there were Marianne Schoening representing Accenture, Charlotte Ruhe representing EBRD and Europe Consultant Sue Lawton.
After the panel organization of the “International Women Entrepreneurs Day”, being the first cooperation of two civil communities, the event continued on the 21st with a breakfast meeting and B2B conversations bringing together the most successful businesswomen of London in order to strengthen the communication network as well as to create possible collaborations. At the B2B meeting in the evening of the same day, which was organized for the KAGIDER delegation by TBCCI (Turkish British Industry and the Chamber of Commerce), prospective business development issues were discussed in a group formed by TBCCI President Emma Edham and her members.
In addition to these activities the KAGIDER delegation held a meeting with the Chatham House officials. Furthermore, the delegation visited the London Council of the Republic of Turkey Mister Emirhan Yorulmaz and the London Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Mister Abdurrahman Bilgic. During these visits the projects of KAGIDER and other projects, which are already made or planned for the future, specifically for women entrepreneurs were discussed.
The London event of KAGIDER led by KAGIDER President Gulden Turktan and Vice President Sila Gok was participated by the Board Members Emine Erdem, Esra Tekil, Sanem Oktar, Sevim Gural, Ferah Turel, Handan Ercengiz and Members Gulin Yücel, Aysen Karabulut, Nazli Guran, Fisun Usta, Remziye Buyukayman, Semiha Unal and KAGIDER Secretary-General Yesim Sevig.