The Dutch-Turkish Business Forum and Turkish president Gül

Representatives of 400 Dutch and Turkish companies met on Tuesday 17 April 2012 at the Passenger Terminal Amsterdam to establish business contacts and to obtain information on doing business in the Netherlands and in Turkey. The Holland-Turkey Business Forum formed part of the state visit by the President of Turkey, Abdullah Gül, to the Netherlands during the celebrations of 400 years diplomatic relations between both countries.

Attending the closing ceremony of the Business Forum were His Excellency, President Gül, His Royal Highness, the Prince of Orange, and Her Royal Highness, Princess Máxima of the Netherlands. The meeting was addressed by President Gül and Dutch Minister Maxim Verhagen of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. The Forum was organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, ING, PwC, Fenedex, the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges & DEIK.

President Gül in conversation with Semiha Ünal during his visit to the Netherlands in April 2012

President Gül in conversation with Semiha Ünal during his visit to the Netherlands in April 2012


In 2012, Turkey and the Netherlands commemorated the 400th anniversary of diplomatic relations between both countries. Turkey is one of the twenty largest economies in the world and in the past few years recorded an economic growth of 7 per cent. With a young and well-educated population of 74 million, the Turkish market offers many opportunities for Dutch companies.

Trade between Turkey and the Netherlands tripled during the past decade. The Netherlands represents one of the largest investors in Turkey, with many large Dutch companies already established there. There are many opportunities here also for SMEs.

A number of trade missions were organised on the occasion of the 400th anniversary. Companies from the top sectors of the Dutch economy representing the agri-food, horticulture, water, life sciences and the creative industry were afforded the opportunity to exhibit their innovative products and services. These can be of benefit to Turkish companies in their home market and elsewhere.

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